Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kenzie's Seventh Grade " Survival Guide"

      You are about to enter a big change from elementry to middle school. That calls for an extremely intense survival guide of wisdom, from a fellow higher classmate.
       First things first, dresscode doesn't really apply here.  You can where nike shorts everyday and have see thourgh shirts too!  Also we have this fun thing where you get to dye your hair pink for breast cancer awarness month too.
       Secondly, no need to stress over homework if you don't get something done you get the rest of the week to finish it.  Math is a breeze, we just review addition so it's perfectly fine with Mrs. Lidiak to fall asleep in class.  In fact she will not even give you a D-hall or the homework for that night!  
      Mrs. Motley is horrible!  She makes us do ten book reports a week so get ready to read a lot!  She hates greek mythology too, are personal favorite so she just skips it entirely!  She also hates Texas Tech so alway ask her about her favorite team the Texas Longhorns.
      For the girls worried about getting to athletics in time the coachs don't honestly care they allow you to braid your hair perfectly to put it up for as long as it take you and then do a simple exercise of a lap aronud the gym and war ball everyday!
      As for big state tests the teachers don't care what you make and don't mind if you fail.  They never say the old phrase, " Now this will be on the STARR test so pay attention".  The test don't matter in middle school and you will pass the grade anyway.
      Mr. Mein is very strict!  He doesn't tolorate any talking or working with friends.  He also never takes in to consideration of kids useing electronics to fo work either.  He make you write all your essays on notebook paper so you better stalk up or except your failure.  Also, he always keeps you after class wether your class was good that day or not.  Sometimes up to six minutes!
        For Mrs. Pope, she doesn't get that into what she is teaching she basically gives you a book and a packet and tells you work.  She never stands in front of the classroom giving her life stories as examples like a normal teacher. Most of us dislike her and wish we had a different science teacher.
       So all in all, seventh grade is a breeze with no amount of work involved. So, sit back relax and enjoy the pure harmony of seventh grade!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Blog Challenge

     I have a wonderful person in my life!  This person is my brother, Zach Foust.  He is an amazing brother and I would not trade him for the world.  He has taught me many important things and I look up to him more than anyone else.
      One thing my brother has done is make me realize how important school is.  He has steered me in a direction of loving school and being greatful for the education I am provided.  He has always told me it is good to do projects early so you can relax while other kids our struggleling to finish the night before it is due.  Of course, everyone makes mistakes and my brother tells me it is okay, just pick yourself up, dust off and try again.  I have had to keep that in my mind so I didn't destroy myself.
     He also taught me good character traits.  He told me since I was little thats it's honesty over yourself.  He also has said look at yourself in the mirror and say this is who I am no one else can be exactly me and I am proud of that! 
     My brother is a true inspiration, and because of him I am a stronger person.  I love him with all my life and nothing could ever change that. Heres to an inspirational brother!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


    Everyone has thing they want to change about there body.  Mine is my weight, mostly because I am not as in shape as I would like to be.  
     Every time I look in the mirror I see someone formed by junk and not what is good for me.  It makes me upset because I am suppoused love myself for who I am.  
     This summer I have a major plan to live on only whole foods and go outside three hours every day.  I feel with this plan I will acheive my goal to get in shape like most the girls at my school.  One way I will keep myself away from junk food is not go into the sections of packaged sugary snacks.  Those snacks are the main reason our nation is becoming one of the most unhealthy country in the world.  I believe now that the best  way for America to solve this problem is to eliminate acess to foods that aren't whole foods.  
    Also I hate my weight because there is so much pressure put on being skinny and fit.  Our concept of being overweight and underweight in completely messed up we need to realize being a stick is not good and having to wear. extra-extra large is not healthy.  Though if you have a little meat on you, you are not fat!  You might want to consult a doctor to see what is acually healthy for your height and age.  If you don't you might do to extreme of a change and ruin your body even more.
      I only get one body so if I refuse to give it everything I can to help it than I may as well get used to being an unhealty slob.  This is something I can change but it will need to be over a period of time not by an eating disorder.  I must keep my body healthy by working out the right ways and eating right for my height and age.  These combined will help me with the physical thing I would like to change about myself.  I like being active it is just my motivation is not as wonderful as it should be, I always say I am going to run a mile everyother day but what usually happens is I run one and then give up!  It is my comentment to get my body in shape so I can look in the mirror and be completely confident without one self esteem issue ever again!  This will help me acheive more in school instead of constantly wondering if I am as good looking as the other kids.  
     "  Mirror, mirror on the wall you has the need of being in shape?" 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Creative Captions

    Pretending to be agressive for ice cream, go child hood!
Bacon, bacon, bacon!
Despreate times call for despreate measures!
 As they walked away they realized what a bad idea the previous decsion was .
I wandered the store trying to figure out what was best for my sweety.
The family bakery contiued to florish with new younger generations.
Focus on everything!
After the hard day of work we sat and descussed the struggles at home.
Mama always told me the most important thing in life is family.
The boys dressed up and had a smile across their face for the first time in forever.
The dance ended with a romantic dance between all the people in love.
At this point instead of festival lights clothes hung across the city because there was no money for drying them.
I won the challenge for the world record of biggest pigs!
Attention, get all your trinkets and trash here!
They were packed and onthere way to the land of the free!
Being a baby must be hard work!
The women took over factories and should there strength as the woman of the United States.
What is a better girls day than going on a cruise?
It took half a year but the beach side fort is finally complete!
The ceramony was equally as great as the family and friends there!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Sarcastic Penguin

      There was once a very sarcastic penguin, no one knew why but he was the worst out of all penguins.  Anytime anyone did somthing remotley stupid he would he would have to crack a terrible sarcastic joke!
        When the penguin was born his family was going through a troubling time which made his parents break apart.  Outsiders believe this why he always made these sarcastic jokes, just so others might get hurt as he did by not understanding why things happen.
        One time the penguin went overboard though.  His friend said, " I am dieing..." But before he could finish the sarcastic penguin acted like he was overreacting over a long run as his friend ran away screaming, " I am dieing of cancer, I have two months left!" 
         On the penguins birthday he got a prestent he didn't really like, but he said thank you anyway but in a horribly sarcastic way.  The other penguin who gave him the present was descusted!  He replied to the comment," You could at least be greatful I came and brought you something!" The sarcastic penguin shurgged it off and went on the his normal sarcastic penguin ways.
        The next day, the sarcastic penguin was granted the wonderful opportunity of going on a penguin field trip!  He went but was constantly staring of into space not caring about anything.  The teacher finally pulled him aside and told him," You better be glad we allowed you to come instead od staying back and doing school work all day!"  The sarcastic penguin replied," Fine I will stay attentive when they make pigs fly."  The teacher grabbed him by the flipper and tightly strapped him in the ice bus! She said," Listen mister here in igloo world we are kind and considerate not sarcastic about someones joy of informing childern on the wonders of whale characteristics!"
         When the sarcastic penguin got home his parent asked how the trip went and he replied,"Gree-at!", in a sarcastic tone of voice completely not allowed in the presance of his parents!  His dad sent him straight to his igloo and grounded him from ever being sarcastic again.
        The following week the sarcastic penguin tried not to be sarcastic in a rude way, and for the first time in forever a fellow penguin of his age came up to chirp.  The sarcastic penguin was finally realizing it was worth being sarcastically rude because people took it to seriously and, thats why he was unable to make any friends.  The normally called sarcastic  penguin was thurbed into a well liked penguin everyone hung out with and the whole penguin town was now at peace with the not so ordinary penguin.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Make Something Awesome

      I have made something amazing!  It is an guiness way to keep your charging electronics cords from tangling.  You can make this pretty simply too! 
       You will need the following an old shoe box, some scrapbook paper, a knife, ribbon, and metal circles to clean up some edges.
      Line and decorate a shoe box with scrapbook paper and the ribbon.  Then, make holes for each charger you will be useing this with, label and put metal to smooth edges.
     I got inspired to do this because having messy wires can get annoying so I wanted to make a solution.
      Here is what the finished product should look like: